Try Out Bahasa Inggris 5 SNBT 2025


Try Out Bahasa Inggris 5 SNBT 2025

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1 / 10

The beaver’s comical-looking flat tall, which is there quarters of an inch thick, six or seven inches, and perhaps a food long, is unique in the animal world. In the water, it server as a rudder for swimming and on land it props the beaver upright while the animal is cutting trees. It also server as a radiator through which the heavily insulated beaver passes of excess body heat. The beaver uses the broad tail for an early warning system by slapping it against the water’s surface, making a resounding whack that can be heard half a mile away.
41. What is purpose of this passage? It is___

2 / 10

The beaver’s comical-looking flat tall, which is there quarters of an inch thick, six or seven inches, and perhaps a food long, is unique in the animal world. In the water, it server as a rudder for swimming and on land it props the beaver upright while the animal is cutting trees. It also server as a radiator through which the heavily insulated beaver passes of excess body heat. The beaver uses the broad tail for an early warning system by slapping it against the water’s surface, making a resounding whack that can be heard half a mile away.
42. It can be inferred from the passage that the beaver___

3 / 10

Children love cartoons, and they can sit for hours watching them. For this reason, Sunday morning television offers one cartoon program after another. However, given the age of the viewing audience, these programs communicate a disturbing message : they suggest that the world in one big battlefield with ware fare which is the primary activity of human and aliens alike. In cartoon after cartoon, animated characters shoot, boom, and blow one another up. The message is that warfare is fun, without any serious or damaging effects. And that message is further reinforced by the commercial interruptions which are designed to sell everything from play thanks to toy grenades.
44. From the paragraph we can conclude that the writer _________

4 / 10

Children love cartoons, and they can sit for hours watching them. For this reason, Sunday morning television offers one cartoon program after another. However, given the age of the viewing audience, these programs communicate a disturbing message : they suggest that the world in one big battlefield with ware fare which is the primary activity of human and aliens alike. In cartoon after cartoon, animated characters shoot, boom, and blow one another up. The message is that warfare is fun, without any serious or damaging effects. And that message is further reinforced by the commercial interruptions which are designed to sell everything from play thanks to toy grenades.
43. The main idea of this paragraph is ______

5 / 10

As there is not enough land, food or work for all the people on earth, living underwater will help solve these problems. But how will we breathe underwater ? Just as our lungs take in oxygen from the water. However, it is dangerous for man to breathe in ordinary sea-water because there not enough oxygen for him. Scientists have then come up with some solutions. One is to set up large tents on the sea-bed and then to pump in enough oxygen which will not be able to escape to other part of the sea.Another is to wear diving gear equipped with a tank of oxygen. In fact, American scientists have already invented artificial gills–an organ with which a fish breathes– which enable man to stay underwater for sometime.
45. The text tells us about how to _________

6 / 10

As there is not enough land, food or work for all the people on earth, living underwater will help solve these problems. But how will we breathe underwater ? Just as our lungs take in oxygen from the water. However, it is dangerous for man to breathe in ordinary sea-water because there not enough oxygen for him. Scientists have then come up with some solutions. One is to set up large tents on the sea-bed and then to pump in enough oxygen which will not be able to escape to other part of the sea.Another is to wear diving gear equipped with a tank of oxygen. In fact, American scientists have already invented artificial gills–an organ with which a fish breathes– which enable man to stay underwater for sometime.
46. There should be supporting devices to enable people to stay underwater because _________

7 / 10

European society in the 18th century was a broad pyramid, with the few of the nobility at the top and the masses of the peasantry at the bottom. In western Europe there was an increasing split between the wealthy nobility, who spent much of their time practicing exquisite etiquette at court, and those lower nobles who stayed in the countryside, hunting and running their estates with little concern for either social niceties or abstract ideas. Only a few at the social peak lived the life portrayed in 20th century historical novels amid bright chandeliers, powdered wigs, and beautiful women but it was in this milieu that the century earned its reputation for licentiousness and decadence. Every monarch had his mistresses, and the ways of Versailles were mimicked across Europe, most absurdly in the courts of the tiny German principalities.
47. The topic of this paragraph is _______

8 / 10

European society in the 18th century was a broad pyramid, with the few of the nobility at the top and the masses of the peasantry at the bottom. In western Europe there was an increasing split between the wealthy nobility, who spent much of their time practicing exquisite etiquette at court, and those lower nobles who stayed in the countryside, hunting and running their estates with little concern for either social niceties or abstract ideas. Only a few at the social peak lived the life portrayed in 20th century historical novels amid bright chandeliers, powdered wigs, and beautiful women but it was in this milieu that the century earned its reputation for licentiousness and decadence. Every monarch had his mistresses, and the ways of Versailles were mimicked across Europe, most absurdly in the courts of the tiny German principalities.
48. The paragraph which precedes this one most likely discusses _______.

9 / 10

Humans have been using wind power for at least 5,500 years to propel sailboats, sailing ships, operating windmills, and most recently, generating electricity, though its uses have been limited by the wind’s speed and strength instability. However, a new study by scientists at the Carnegie Institution and California State University compiled the first-ever global survey of wind energy available at high altitudes in the atmosphere. The researchers assessed potential for wind power in terms of wind power density, which takes into account both wind speed and air density at different altitudes in the world’s five largest cities: Tokyo, NewYork, Sao Paulo, Seoul, and Mexico City. They found that there is a huge amount of energy available in high altitude winds, especially near the jet streams. Jet streams are meandering belts of fast winds at altitudes between 20 and 50,000 feet that shift seasonally, but otherwise are persistent features in the atmosphere. Jet stream winds are generally steadier and 10 times faster than winds near the ground, making them a potentially vast and dependable source of energy. Several technological schemes have been proposed to harvest this energy, including tethered, kite-like wind turbines that would be lofted to the altitude of the jet streams. ____________________________
49. The topic of the paragraph is _______.

10 / 10

Humans have been using wind power for at least 5,500 years to propel sailboats, sailing ships, operating windmills, and most recently, generating electricity, though its uses have been limited by the wind’s speed and strength instability. However, a new study by scientists at the Carnegie Institution and California State University compiled the first-ever global survey of wind energy available at high altitudes in the atmosphere. The researchers assessed potential for wind power in terms of wind power density, which takes into account both wind speed and air density at different altitudes in the world’s five largest cities: Tokyo, NewYork, Sao Paulo, Seoul, and Mexico City. They found that there is a huge amount of energy available in high altitude winds, especially near the jet streams. Jet streams are meandering belts of fast winds at altitudes between 20 and 50,000 feet that shift seasonally, but otherwise are persistent features in the atmosphere. Jet stream winds are generally steadier and 10 times faster than winds near the ground, making them a potentially vast and dependable source of energy. Several technological schemes have been proposed to harvest this energy, including tethered, kite-like wind turbines that would be lofted to the altitude of the jet streams. ____________________________
50. The sentence that best ends the paragraph is _______

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