Try Out Bahasa Inggris 4 SNBT 2025


Try Out Bahasa Inggris 4 SNBT 2025

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1 / 10

(1) ………………………………………………………………………………. (2) It often must be distinguished from lack of communication, for the rapid spread of rumor may very well be due to effective communication. (3) The term rumor refers not to a method of its communication, but to its content. (4) Under crowd conditions, it become difficult to check the source and accuracy of the information one receives, and thus to evaluate it, and so rumors are acted on as if they were true information. (5) Rumor often arises because of alack of information. (6) People want to know what is happening, and so the rumor fills that need. (7) Many TV programs provide gossips specially those about celebrities. (8) Rumor may also be created as a rationalization or justification for emotional excesses and collective behavior.
31. The sentence which is irrelevant to the text is sentence number_________

2 / 10

(1) ………………………………………………………………………………. (2) It often must be distinguished from lack of communication, for the rapid spread of rumor may very well be due to effective communication. (3) The term rumor refers not to a method of its communication, but to its content. (4) Under crowd conditions, it become difficult to check the source and accuracy of the information one receives, and thus to evaluate it, and so rumors are acted on as if they were true information. (5) Rumor often arises because of alack of information. (6) People want to know what is happening, and so the rumor fills that need. (7) Many TV programs provide gossips specially those about celebrities. (8) Rumor may also be created as a rationalization or justification for emotional excesses and collective behavior.
32. Which sentence would best begin the paragraph above?

3 / 10

The term ‘primitive art’ has been used in a variety of ways to describe works and styles of art. One way that this term has been used is to describe the early period within the development of a certain style of art. Another way is to describe artists who have received little professional training and who demonstrate a non-traditional naivete in their work. A wonderful example of this second type of primitive artist is Grandma Moses, who spent all her life living on a farm and working at tasks normally associated with farm life. She did not begin painting until she reached the age of seventy-six, when she switched to painting from embroidery because the arthritis in her hands made embroidery to difficult. Totally without formal education art, she began creating panoramic images of everyday life on the farm that have achieved international fame.
33. Which of the following does NOT show the characteristic of ‘primitive art’?

4 / 10

The term ‘primitive art’ has been used in a variety of ways to describe works and styles of art. One way that this term has been used is to describe the early period within the development of a certain style of art. Another way is to describe artists who have received little professional training and who demonstrate a non-traditional naivete in their work. A wonderful example of this second type of primitive artist is Grandma Moses, who spent all her life living on a farm and working at tasks normally associated with farm life. She did not begin painting until she reached the age of seventy-six, when she switched to painting from embroidery because the arthritis in her hands made embroidery to difficult. Totally without formal education art, she began creating panoramic images of everyday life on the farm that have achieved international fame.
34. From the text we may conclude that

5 / 10

Nutrition message can be very confusing. One minute you’re advised to eat plenty of fruit and vegetables to get your essential vitamins and minerals and next, you’re told that too many vitamins might actually be harmful. But wait! If you take vitamin supplements, you should be aware that very high intakes of some vitamins could be potentially harmful. If you eat a healthy, balanced diet, then there is no need for you to take supplements. Here are some of the effects that excessive intakes of some vitamins can have : too much vitamin A can cause nausea headaches, blurred vision, and orange skin color and possibly even liver damage. Overconsumption of vitamin D can lead to loss of appetite, weakness and excessive thirst and the other fat-soluble vitamins E and K can interfere with some blood clotting medications. We all know how good vitamin C can be for us but did you know that too much of it can form kidney stones? High levels of vitamin B6 can also cause nerve damage.
35. Which of the following is the best thing for our health?

6 / 10

Nutrition message can be very confusing. One minute you’re advised to eat plenty of fruit and vegetables to get your essential vitamins and minerals and next, you’re told that too many vitamins might actually be harmful. But wait! If you take vitamin supplements, you should be aware that very high intakes of some vitamins could be potentially harmful. If you eat a healthy, balanced diet, then there is no need for you to take supplements. Here are some of the effects that excessive intakes of some vitamins can have : too much vitamin A can cause nausea headaches, blurred vision, and orange skin color and possibly even liver damage. Overconsumption of vitamin D can lead to loss of appetite, weakness and excessive thirst and the other fat-soluble vitamins E and K can interfere with some blood clotting medications. We all know how good vitamin C can be for us but did you know that too much of it can form kidney stones? High levels of vitamin B6 can also cause nerve damage.
36. The topic of the above paragraph is ___________

7 / 10

Time is a very important commodity when you are a university student: there simply never seems to be enough of it to go around. You will need to attend classes. study, complete homework assignments, work on research. eat, sleep, perhaps hold down a part time job, and maybe actually find time to relax for a moment or two. If you manage your time wisely. you will find that there is enough time to do all these things. One valuable tool in time management is to monitor how you spend your time for a week. Then, after you spend a week monitoring your time, you can evaluate what you have done with your time and learn to make the best use of it. During the week of personal time monitoring, you should divide each twenty four hour day into fifteen minute blocks, so each day has ninety-six blocks of time. Than, write down how you spend each fifteen minute period. At the end of a week, you will see just how much time you have not.
37. The author’s purpose of writing this text is to show _______.

8 / 10

Time is a very important commodity when you are a university student: there simply never seems to be enough of it to go around. You will need to attend classes. study, complete homework assignments, work on research. eat, sleep, perhaps hold down a part time job, and maybe actually find time to relax for a moment or two. If you manage your time wisely. you will find that there is enough time to do all these things. One valuable tool in time management is to monitor how you spend your time for a week. Then, after you spend a week monitoring your time, you can evaluate what you have done with your time and learn to make the best use of it. During the week of personal time monitoring, you should divide each twenty four hour day into fifteen minute blocks, so each day has ninety-six blocks of time. Than, write down how you spend each fifteen minute period. At the end of a week, you will see just how much time you have not.
38. University students never seem to have enough time to go around because _______

9 / 10

Ecologist Dr. Barry Commoner says that ecology has not yet developed specific laws, as has physics. But suggests four generalizations that have resulted from ecological research on ecosystem. These might be considered as an informal set of laws of ecology. The four generalizations are (1) Everything is connected to everything. This means, everything plays a part in the endless cycles of ecosystem. (2) Everything must go somewhere. This implies that there is no such thing as waste in nature. What is given off by one organism as “waste” is taken up by another organism as food. (3) Nature knows best. The explains the changes having occurred over billions of years, which have made up the delicately balance ecosystem that we have today. For every organic substance produced by a living organism, nature has provided an enzyme capable of breaking down that substance. Nature takes care of all natural materials, both organic and inorganic. (4) There is not such thing as “a free lunch”, meaning that all life in nature lives at the expense of some other life.
39. That is the main idea of the passage?

10 / 10

Ecologist Dr. Barry Commoner says that ecology has not yet developed specific laws, as has physics. But suggests four generalizations that have resulted from ecological research on ecosystem. These might be considered as an informal set of laws of ecology. The four generalizations are (1) Everything is connected to everything. This means, everything plays a part in the endless cycles of ecosystem. (2) Everything must go somewhere. This implies that there is no such thing as waste in nature. What is given off by one organism as “waste” is taken up by another organism as food. (3) Nature knows best. The explains the changes having occurred over billions of years, which have made up the delicately balance ecosystem that we have today. For every organic substance produced by a living organism, nature has provided an enzyme capable of breaking down that substance. Nature takes care of all natural materials, both organic and inorganic. (4) There is not such thing as “a free lunch”, meaning that all life in nature lives at the expense of some other life.
40. According to the passage, our ecosystem is in a delicately balance condition. Thisismade possible by___

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