Try Out Bahasa Inggris 2 SNBT 2025


Try Out Bahasa Inggris 2 SNBT 2025

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1 / 10

It students are to succeed in tomorrow’s world, their education must encourage them to have the desire to keep learning throughout their lives. For at least a decade now, experts have been telling us that to prosper in the future, countries need to much better use of their human resources. This means not allowing people to stop learning at age 10 or 20 or 30. It means pushing skill growth rates up rather than allowing children and adults to lose interest in learning. Although following advice is not easy, we should keep the following in mind; If we do not go this route, vast numbers of people in the world may do poorly in a global market, while a few people do exceptionally well. As a result, the gap between the rich and the poor will grow and grow- until something explodes.
11. The text is about ____.

2 / 10

It students are to succeed in tomorrow’s world, their education must encourage them to have the desire to keep learning throughout their lives. For at least a decade now, experts have been telling us that to prosper in the future, countries need to much better use of their human resources. This means not allowing people to stop learning at age 10 or 20 or 30. It means pushing skill growth rates up rather than allowing children and adults to lose interest in learning. Although following advice is not easy, we should keep the following in mind; If we do not go this route, vast numbers of people in the world may do poorly in a global market, while a few people do exceptionally well. As a result, the gap between the rich and the poor will grow and grow- until something explodes.
12. The writer believes that if countries allowed people to stop learning at the age of 30,

3 / 10

The reason why tea is so popular as a drink is that, unlike soft drinks for example, it contains a drug which stimulates the nervous system. The plant is a kind of bush, and tea is made from the very young leaves of this pant. Tea, used mainly a drink and also as a kind of medicine, was first known to have been drunk in AD 780 in China, but was probably common long before that.
13. The paragraph mainly discusses ____.

4 / 10

The reason why tea is so popular as a drink is that, unlike soft drinks for example, it contains a drug which stimulates the nervous system. The plant is a kind of bush, and tea is made from the very young leaves of this pant. Tea, used mainly a drink and also as a kind of medicine, was first known to have been drunk in AD 780 in China, but was probably common long before that.
14. It is said that tea stimulates the nervous system because ____.

5 / 10

There are many ways of communicating that do not utilize language. Cries of warning and aggression, of contentment and affection, are forms of communication not limited to men. Or, on the human level, the dirty look, which may convey world of meaning, does not involve language. Gestures too, are forms of communication, although these seem always involved with culturally defined habits. The nod of the head means “yes” to American, but a single nod in the Middle East is a clear “no”. Plainly, there are many ways of conveying messages, of which language is but the major one for human beings.
15. The main information of the text is about ____.

6 / 10

There are many ways of communicating that do not utilize language. Cries of warning and aggression, of contentment and affection, are forms of communication not limited to men. Or, on the human level, the dirty look, which may convey world of meaning, does not involve language. Gestures too, are forms of communication, although these seem always involved with culturally defined habits. The nod of the head means “yes” to American, but a single nod in the Middle East is a clear “no”. Plainly, there are many ways of conveying messages, of which language is but the major one for human beings.
16. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE according to the text?

7 / 10

The immune system serves three basic functions: to recognize foreign cells and attack them, to develop antibodies to recognize foreign invaders in the future, and to send white blood cells to the location of an injury to speed healing. Chronic stress can suppress the functioning of the immune system, so that just by being stressed for long periods of time, we can actually weaken our immune system and fall victim to an illness that we would normally fight off with ease.
17. The topic of the paragraph is _____.

8 / 10

The immune system serves three basic functions: to recognize foreign cells and attack them, to develop antibodies to recognize foreign invaders in the future, and to send white blood cells to the location of an injury to speed healing. Chronic stress can suppress the functioning of the immune system, so that just by being stressed for long periods of time, we can actually weaken our immune system and fall victim to an illness that we would normally fight off with ease.
18. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about the immune sytem ?

9 / 10

Dinosaurs are generally believed to have been very large animals and it’s true that some of them were incredibly large. One dinosaur, believed to have been t he largest dinosaur ever, is called seismosaurus. Seismosaurus literally means “earth shaker”. This animal was between 100 and 120 feet long and weighed about 89 tons. To give you some idea of how big a seimosaurus was, let me tell you that an American football field is 300 feet long. Consider that the African elephant weighs between six and seven tons. This means that a seismosurus was about 13 t o 14 times heavier than anAfrican elephant. It’s not surprising that his name means “earth shaker.”
19. The topic of the paragraph is ….

10 / 10

Dinosaurs are generally believed to have been very large animals and it’s true that some of them were incredibly large. One dinosaur, believed to have been t he largest dinosaur ever, is called seismosaurus. Seismosaurus literally means “earth shaker”. This animal was between 100 and 120 feet long and weighed about 89 tons. To give you some idea of how big a seimosaurus was, let me tell you that an American football field is 300 feet long. Consider that the African elephant weighs between six and seven tons. This means that a seismosurus was about 13 t o 14 times heavier than anAfrican elephant. It’s not surprising that his name means “earth shaker.”
20. According to the text, which of the following statements is NOT TRUE about the seismosaurus ?

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